Dutch Fast Industrial Strategy

Tired of losing as Dutch? Not only is this strategy fun, but it will actually give you a chance at winning with this overlooked civ.

By: Dansil92 | ThePorkofDoom


One of the most foundational Dutch Strategies, this fast industrial takes advantage of their great advanced church units along with excellent shipments.

Discovery Age I

-3 villagers to crates, 3 to hunts

-If you started with 500 coin put 2 vills on mine, otherwise put 3 on mine

Build the house

-When you gather 100 coin with a 500 coin start or 200 coin with a 400 coin start, switch coin vills to food (you just need enough gold to spawn your 12th villager)

First Card: 3 vills

-AGE UP: The Quartermaster - 400 wood

Transition I - II

-Put 10 villagers on wood and 5 on food

-When you get 400 wood, put 5 of those villagers to coin and 5 to food. 

-Build a bank 

Colonial Age II

First Card: 700 wood

-Build a bank and a market with the 400 wood + 50 left over

-Build a bank, house, and get placer mines

-Send 700 coin or 700 food to age, (Food shipment as dutch are usually better than gold shipment age 2 but it may deplete your mines to quickly (1000 to age 3 1200 to age 4 2000 for the stadhouders and 1000 for the stradiots) if you have more coin in base like a gold mine, go for 700 food, otherwise go for 700 coin)

-AGE UP: The Exiled Prince - Fast Age

Transition II - III

-Send a vill to a far corner of the map to build a church (you want this hidden from your opponent)

-Macro to age to IV, the majority of villagers should be on food

Fortress Age III

-Third Card: Fort (Place it defensively to protect banks, coinmines, or needed hunts to go age IV)

-AGE UP: The Tycoon - 1000 coin

Transition III - IV

-All villagers to coin!!!

-Determine whether to research mercantilism from the church to be able to send the cards you need. (You need to send the Advanced Church Card ASAP then Heavy Cannons as soon as you age)

-Fourth Card: Advanced Church.

Industrial Age IV

Fifth Card: Heavy Cannons

-Get Stadhouders from your Church ASAP for 2000 coin

- As soon as you can after, get Stradiots from your church for 1000 coin

-You can push when the Heavy Cannons arrive with your Stadhouders

-Future shipments are determined by what you are losing, if losing stadhouders send 17 ruyters, if losing heavys send lil bombards and consider building an artillery foundry and making cannons, if you annihilate them send factories to recover your eco

-ALSO, your explorer has a 1 hit kill crackshot against enemy units from being in age IV. Use it!

By: Dansil92 | ThePorkOfDoom

For: The Asian Dynasties

Video: https://youtu.be/5amGhIshylY