Aztec Semi-Fast Fortress
A great alternative to the traditional Aztec rush, this semi-fast fortress is a traditional one with cavalry pressure while in transition from age II to III.
By: Dansil92
Aztec Semi-Fast Fortress
A great alternative to the traditional Aztec rush, this semi-fast fortress is a traditional one with cavalry pressure while in transition from age II to III.
Discovery Age I
-3 on food crates, 2 on wood crates and 1 to hunts
-Build the firepit asap and put the warrior priest on the firepit
-All vills on food
First Card: 3 villagers
AGE UP: The Shaman - war hut travois
Note: In the video we send the warchief card age 1. The 300 wood is also good, or it can be saved for Colonial. The warchief card will make your explorer more like the Spain explorer.
Transition I - II
-10 villagers on food 6 villagers on wood
-Build a market, house and get hunting dogs
Colonial Age 2
Second Card: 5 villagers
-Have a ratio of vills of ¾ on food and ¼ on wood
-If against a rush civs like russia, iro, and ottomans, build the war hut in base, otherwise build a forward warhut
Third Card: 3 warrior preists
-Start creating 10-15 coyote
-Get placer mines and switch wood vills to gold (have 400 gold when 600 gold arrives)
-When you have enough exp for the gold shipment, switch dance to warrior priest dance and Max Warrior Priests amount
Fourth Card: 600 coin
AGE UP: The Messenger - fast age
Transition II - III
-Gather enough wood for a nobles hut, mace upgrade, coyote upgrade and some houses, alternatively you can send 700 wood if you saved your second colonial shipment
-Good age 3 shipments include 13 mace, smoking mirror (warchief fast as calvary and area damage), 6 eagles, 8 eagles merc shipment, 10 coyotes, 6 arrow knights against falcs, 1000 wood, agrarian ways, 8 vills, and knight upgrades
BY: Dansil92
For: The Asian Dynasties